So I’ve been asked…


..what is in the backpack I keep grabbing when I head out. Although it’s ratty, and well loved, it holds my survival gear.

And it goes like this: my journal of course, a couple of pens, matches in an airtight container, a change of clothes, my phone charger, my phone, stashed cash and credit card, travel toiletries, my daddy’s army knife, d-battery, brillo pad, a small phillips and flathead screw driver, small flashlight, a fishing hook and coiled line, small first aid kit, and a small sealed bottle of bourbon (for medicinal purposes of course).   On my keychain is were the pepper spray lives and my car has a sleeping kit of sorts in the back.

In my food tote: a thermos of coffee, sandwiches, normally some olives & cherries in plastic air tight containers, slim jims, peanuts, some cylinders of instant coffee, water, and a small sealed bottle of bourbon (for medicinal purposes of course).

What?  No, I didn’t repeat myself. I always have two small bottles of bourbon with me. You are aware that there is more than one kind of snake running wild out there.  Right?

Image: odysseyonline

Mood: Sad.  I’m gonna have to buy a new backpack the seams are finally giving way.  This one has seen alot of adventures, and miles with me.   The day Sally broke down out on the middle of nowhere, the afternoon we found a field of lavender going on forever, and ever, the night we met my first love, and the weekend we traveled north to bury him.  The summer we ran away to Texas and started all over, and the night we found our self in some really, really bad company.

This is going to be hard…